
Friday 9 December 2016

Let Your Inner Fighter Shine Through.

I need to tell you's okay to sometimes NOT be okay.

I'm a Mum, a carer, a mediator, an educator, a therapist, a cook and an advocate among other things, but first and foremost, I'm a human. I have an identity.

YOU have an identity.

Don't compare yourself to anyone. You are as unique as the next person. Remember all the things that make you you. You need to give yourself time to breath, time to sit, time to be you, time to recognise that you are amazing, that you are strong.

And if people try to criticize you and your decisions, tell them to walk a mile in your shoes. Until they've done that, they have no right to tell you what you have done wrong or how to run your life or what decisions you should be making.

You are doing your best and that's the greatest achievement of all. You are giving it your all. Be proud of yourself.

So you cried, you had a meltdown, a moment. You rolled around on the ground and kicked and screamed and had a tantrum. Who gives a s###! Everyone needs a good cry every now and then. It's not healthy to withhold emotion.

People who withhold emotion have got to be the unhappiest people of all. No sorrow, no joy, no anger..........

You did what you needed to do in that moment to survive and continue on with your day. You did this because you are a fighter.

Our most basic instinct is survival and when we are faced with exhausting or difficult or traumatic circumstances, we may want to just give in. It's the Flight-Fight-Freeze Response. You may want take Flight and run away or you may want to Freeze like a deer in headlights or you may want to Fight on. We've evolved this way to alert us to danger and this response assists us to act in stressful situations.

The Flight-Fight-Freeze Response is actually pretty cool. It is almost like having superhero powers that we can activate when we need to protect ourselves or our loved ones. The tricky bit is working out which one is your fall back response.

You? You're a Fighter. You didn't give up, you stood your ground, you put your big kid panties on and fought on. You stood up for what you believe in, for what is right.

So you sought medical help in the form of happy pills. Do these help you to stay focused and think logically about what is happening around you? If the answer is yes, then you did the right thing. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong because you can recognise your weaknesses, you recognised that you needed help.

You did what you needed to do to keep fighting on.

And why?

Because you are a Fighter.

Say it with me "I am a Fighter!"

It would be easier to just give up. But you didn't. We all feel deeply and we all struggle but we don't give up. We get back up and we fight on.

I was once told by a wonderful, slightly crazy, very solid and very intimidating PT instructor that "it isn't the size of the dog in the fight that matters, it is the size of the fight in the dog."

This will always stick with me. I may be short in stature but don't underestimate the fight in me. Don't let people underestimate the fight in you.

I acknowledge all your struggles and your pain. I feel your pain, I have been there but I'd also like to salute the fighter that is within you.

You need to be thankful and proud for all the things that you have done that displayed courage and strength and sheer determination. And maybe stubbornness because you didn't give up!

You are a strong person - you admire others from a distance for their inner strength. But did you know that they also admire you? That they can see your inner strength? That they can see the fighter in you?

Your own worth is not measured on the number of times that you stumbled and fell.

Your own worth IS measured on all the times that you got back up and gave it another go. All the times that you let your inner fighter shine through and fought on.

Be strong, be brave and be committed to being the best version of you that you can be.


Because you are a fighter!


  1. This was such ana amazing post to read, really feel good and motivational. I hope you live by this everyday and people who read it believe it ☺️ Tishhlah x

  2. You are very brave woman! Very inspiring post! Thank you!

  3. This is such an inspirational post! I always assure myself that I am more worthy than I think I am! Its easier to be happy that way!

  4. Oh I am a fighter alright.. and many look to me to be the happy face, and like you said, sometimes I am just having a bad day, and it sucks... but being human, we need that sometimes... and oh am I a cryer... and I'll have mine every once in awhile.

  5. Interesting post, I like the grey layout personally

  6. What a inspiring motivational post! I love it! Thanks for sharing with us

  7. I don't like the word "fighter" that much because it sounds aggressive to me, but I do agree with you. It's very important to embrace low moments and bad days. It's inevitable that they will happen - life isn't just rainbows and unicorns. And it's ok! Tomorrow will be a better day :)

    1. It is a strong word, but I think sometimes it has to be used!

  8. I was feeling slightly down today, but this has inspired me and giving me a bit of hope. Why, because I am fighter. I will keep fighting all week, for the rest of the year and forever.

    Divine @ LadiesMakeMoney

  9. So inspiring. I wrote "I am a fighter" on a sticky to remind me this week.

  10. Thank you for sharing. I needed to read this.

    1. You are most welcome, sending prayers and strong thoughts your way xx

  11. Such an inspiring and thoughtful post. It would uplift anyone's mood

  12. Very inspiring. true, sometimes we felt small and wee need to remind ourselves to fight and remain afloat :)

  13. Yes, this is the perfect feel-good post. The perfect pick me up when feeling down. We all need to remind ourselves sometimes that we are 'fighters' regardless of our low moments. Love what you said about people who withhold true.

  14. Love your selection of quotes. Especially the tiny buddha one. Very inspiring.

  15. I love this. Keep inspiring people!

  16. Love the images you chose for this post.

  17. Very motivating post! I need to keep reminding myself that I'm a fighter quite often. Admit that there are days when the fighting level is low but I really need this today. So thank you very much.

  18. I like that saying about the fight inside the dog too. We do all fall, it is imperative to get back up.

    1. It is like riding a bike, we have to get back up and power on!

  19. There's nothing more inspiring than reading something like this today! Thank you for empowering us in all the things that we do. It's easy for other people to judge instead of understanding what the other is going through.

  20. Love this! Thanks for all of the inspirational words. Greatly appreciated :)

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project

  21. Thank you for always inspiring me! Amazing post!

  22. This was a motivational, inspiring post. Thank you so much for all these wonderful words!

  23. I absolutely love this! It's one of the best "pick me up" reads I've ever came across! Thank you for all of those encouraging words!

  24. I feel like Ive just had a big pep talk!!!! Its motivated me for tomorrows day :)


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