
Wednesday, 28 April 2021

ANZAC Day 2020

2020. Unofficially known as the year we all played Jumanji and where the best laid plans of everyone were put to rest. Much of what occurred during 2020 was completely out of everyone's control and the way we lived our lives, changed drastically.

Anzac Day was one of those plans. We have a number of relatives who served in, and some who are current serving members, of the Australian Defence Forces, so Anzac Day is a day for us to remember and to say thank you. And not just for our family, families across Australia and New Zealand stop and remember on the 25th of April.

Unfortunately 2020 had other plans, and for the first year in a very long time there are to be no public Anzac Day services. Instead we were urged to stay at home and have our own driveway services. We were urged to light up the dawn at home in our drive ways.

As part of the little superheroes online home learning, we made lanterns out of cut down milk bottles. They both worked hard on creating lanterns not only for ourselves but also for their grandparents and our neighbours.

Then on Anzac Day, we rose early to listen to the dawn service that was being conducted at the Australian War Memorial and pay our respects. We were joined by one of pur neighbours, who happened to be one of the teachers at the little superheroes school.

And out of lockdown 2020, a new tradition was made. This year, 2021, while the dawn services and Anzac Day parades were on, albiet slightly different by incorporating social distancing, we chose to pay our respects at home by lighting up the dawn on our driveway.

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