
Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Books, Books and more Books!

 ***Please note that we do not receive commissions of any kind for reviews. We're simply sharing products that we find useful.***

Books! Did you know that we love books??? Well, we do and we've added another book to our collection of working dog books.

The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge, is written by Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada.

While the book isn't about working dogs as such, it gives readers a brilliant introduction to the socialisation of young puppies. The book teaches children how to interact with a puppy, as well as many other important skills both for the puppy and for the family that will benefit the puppies development. From socialisation to dog/animal distraction, to learning how to interact with people and everything in between. The authors do state that the book isn't a training manual but it could certainly sit alongside puppy training books.

So what are O and L's take on the book?

Me: What do you think about this book?
O: I love the illustrations. They're so bright and colourful. And the information in the book is really good.
L: Mum, everywhere they take the puppies in the book, that's what we did with Alaska when she was a tiny puppy. Did Henry do that too?
Me: Henry probably did.
L: Oh. It's a good book and it's easy for me to read. I like the pictures.
O: The story flows really well and I like how they go into detail about why they're taking the puppies to the different places and environments.
L: I wonder if the puppies are going to be Assistance Dogs too?

Me: That's a great question.
L: I know.

Me: Who would you recommend this book to?
O: Anyone who has children. If families are thinking about getting a puppy, or even a rescue dog, they should read this to their children. All of the information in the book is relevant to people who are new to having a dog as part of their family. It would even be great for families who are going to owner train an Assistance Dog like we're doing with Alaska.
L: What Sissy said!

Me: Out of 5 stars, how many stars would you rate this book?
L: Maybe we should change it to paws! Normal books we can use stars. Dog books we need to use paws.
Me: Sounds good. How many paws?
L: 5 paws!
O: I agree buddy, definitely 5 paws!

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