
All About Me!

So it was suggested that I really should publish a post that is all about, well, just me ....

I write a lot about my little superheroes and the journey that we are on, but I really haven't written much about myself. So who am I?

I am a Mum, a therapist, an educator, a counsellor, a referee, an advocate, a chauffeur, a dietitian .... I have many roles!

But first and foremost, I am Jenni!

I'm a ... mumble mumble ... something year old Mum of two beautiful amazing children who make me proud to be their Mumma every single day. These two little superheroes keep me going. Every day they get up, get dressed and put one foot in front of the other and get on with life!

I survive on coffee, lots of coffee - as I penned this I was up to my sixth cup of coffee for the day! And no, I didn't have the shakes, I think my body has simply become immune to the effects of caffeine! I also love a warm cup of Milo every evening, which I have to share with our crazy pet Lorikeet - he has the mistaken belief that he is part human!

In my spare time, apart from writing my blog, I love sewing, crocheting and reading. All of these things help me to wind down and they can all be done at any time of day or night when L decides that he doesn't need to sleep!

I work part time as an educator in an Early Learning Centre with a bunch of gorgeous 3 to 5 year olds! People often ask me "how do you work with children all day and then come home to your own children?" 

Throughout my working career thus far, I have always worked with children - either as an educator, as a mentor for at risk youth, or as a tutor. And every role that I have worked in I have thoroughly enjoyed. Every child, no matter their background, is unique and they all have their own little personalities. Children think outside of the box and view life differently. Children make work life interesting, no two days are ever the same! And funnily enough, going to work four days a week gives me a break from our journey. When I am at work, I can concentrate on my charges. I look at my role as an educator as needing to care for my charges with the same respect and caring manner that I would hope is given to my own children by their teachers and carers. The best moments of my work day is when a three year comes and tells me "Jenni, I lub you!" Or "Jenni I love you more than hotwheels!" Comments like these tell me that I am a great educator!

Over the past number of years I've worked predominantly in the field of education, but also as a Police Officer, and throughout my previous employments I have worked with many special needs children, a number of whom were autistic. So I THOUGHT that I had an inkling as to what to expect when we were given L's provisional diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Oh but how wrong I was! Working with autistic children and raising my own autistic children are two completely different experiences.

I'd always heard the phrase "so you've met one autistic person, you've met ONE autistic person," and since being on our journey, that phrase really sums up what I KNEW about autism!

I now know a lot more about autism and all that the disorder entails, but I have a lot more to learn. I, along with my husband and children, are on one very steep learning curve. But I am loving every minute of it and would not change a thing.

I started my blog in 2016 as a means of clearing my mind of everything that we were experiencing on our Autism journey. And you know what, it is actually working. I'm finding that by writing about and sharing our journey, I am thinking more clearly.

My hope for the future is that my ramblings about our journey will assist others in knowing that they are not alone as well assist to spread a little more autism awareness and acceptance.

I named my blog after my children. I am raising two gorgeous children who just happen to adore anything and everything to do with superheroes. So hence the name "Raising My Little Superheroes" was born!

And yes we really are a superhero family - L alone has a HUGE container full of superhero costumes and will, if we let him, change his clothes numerous times every day! Oz Comicon and Supernova - we're there getting our inner geek on! 

Welcome to my crazy fun filled sleepless world!!


  1. Hey Jen,
    I am Jaka from Speech Blubs. I just found your blog page and I love the content! I would very much love to do a content collaboration (we have a blog page with over 300 articles, many of them focusing on autism, written by speech and language pathologists). Do you have an email through which I can reach you?

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Jenni,

    I stumbled across your blog when I was looking up something with AGC and saw that O is a member of choir here in Brisbane. They really are a wonderful organisation and their ability to welcome all girls and let them shine has kept us coming back year after year. My daughter Jordan is neurodiverse and has anxiety and she has flourished under the care of the tutors and admin staff. She joined the choir in 2010 her prep year and next year is her 13th & final year with the choir as she completes YR 12. Jordan was Sorella for the Allegro girls at Aspley this year, she was also the soloist in the New York medley at the annual concert if you attended. She helps with younger girls in the performing choir that have anxiety (and there are a good 4 or 5 that do) this is another wonderful thing the choir do by having the older girls mentor the younger ones. I hope O stays with the choir through to and including YR12 as it is a great circuit breaker from school yard problems and gives the girls another group of friends to enjoy when/if there are issues.

    Warm regards


I would love to hear your thoughts on my blog. I do read all the comments that are posted. Thanks so much for stopping by. Jen xx