Work With Me To Spread Autism Awareness and Acceptance

Over the last few years, I have spoken to groups about Autism - what Autism is and how to support those who have been diagnosed with Autism. One of my aims of writing my ramblings down in this blog, was to spread a little Autism Awareness and Acceptance and what better way to do that than through talking with large groups of people.

There is no one set way to talk about Autism when talking with different groups of people and because of that every presentation can be tailored to meet your needs.

In all presentations I will share our experience of living with Autism in a way that is informative and educational, inspiring and entertaining. I will share the fun times, the crazy times and the not so fun times. The presentations are a combination of discussions with the target audience and a power point presentation.

Dear Teachers - What is Autism?

An in-depth discussion aimed at those who work with children who have been diagnosed with Autism in an education and/or care setting. This discussion provides these professionals with a deeper understanding of what Autism is.

I speak about our families experience with Autism as we live and breathe Autism 24/7. Over the past twenty odd years, I've worked predominantly in the field of education, and throughout my previous employments I have worked with many special needs children, a number of whom were autistic so I THOUGHT that I had an inkling as to what to expect when we were given L's provisional diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Working with autistic children and raising my own autistic children are two completely different experiences.

Dear Teachers - What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

An in-depth discussion aimed at those who work with children who have Sensory Processing Difficulties in an education and/or care setting. This discussion provides these professionals with a deeper understanding of what Sensory Processing Disorder is.

I speak about my families experience with Sensory Processing Difficulties as we live and breathe these difficulties 24/7. Autism and Sensory Processing Difficulties often go hand in hand and it can be incredibly difficult to explain to others what Sensory Processing Difficulties look and feel like. This presentation gives an insight into what sensory processing difficulties can look like.

Dear Teachers - Strategies to support children who are on the spectrum.

An in-depth discussion aimed at those who work with children who have been diagnosed with Autism in an education and/or setting to provide these professionals with a deeper understanding of how to cater for children who have additional needs and how to support their families.

I speak about my families experience with Autism as we live and breathe Autism 24/7. I will give teachers an insight into what is useful to families and how teachers and schools can assist children who have been diagnosed with Autism. Insight that is based on years of tried and tested strategies. 

Dear Teachers - An Intensive discussion about Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder.

This presentation includes all of the above three topics into one presentation. Due to the content, this presentation is considerably longer in time than the single topics.

Dear Students - What is Autism?

A discussion aimed at, well children, so that they have a better understanding of what Autism is. Quite often children see differences as something to be feared or someone to be excluded. Children are quite accepting but if they cannot physically see the difference, then confusion often arises as to why children who have been diagnosed with Autism do the things that they do. This presentation aims to provide students with a better understanding of what Autism is and what Autism can look like and to remind students that being different does not mean being less.

Autism Support Groups 

Starting out on an Autism Journey can be daunting and at times, very lonely. I will speak of our families experience in gaining assistant, funding and support. I will discuss what we have found useful on our journey thus far.


I honestly believe that Autism advocacy is something that all people should be able to receive, regardless of financial situation. So with that in mind, please just keep the coffee flowing and if you wish, make a donation to a community group in your area.

Please keep in mind that at this point in time, I am speaking to groups in my own time. I will be scheduling presentations around my work and family commitments.


If you would like to enquire about a particular presentation, please email me at

1 comment:

  1. I rejoice to this blog offering distinct as well as handy understanding regarding this subject. Autism Support


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