Saturday 15 July 2017

Wow, another Blogger Recognition Award!

Imagine my absolute surprise and delight when I opened up my emails and saw that Dr. Elise Cohen Ho from over Ask Dr. Ho had nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. My second this year and my blog has not yet been around for twelve months.

I must admit that when I saw the email from Dr. Elise Cohen,I had to read the email several times to check that I was reading it right. The nomination made my heart sing! So thank you so much Elise, I really appreciate the nomination as it came completely out of the blue and made my day.

As I mentioned in my post for my first Blogger Recognition Award, I really am proud of how far my blog has come since August last year. I truly do feel blessed to be part of the blogging community. It is such a diverse community and the Blogger Recognition Award is a lovely gesture that shows appreciation to bloggers right round this wonderful world of ours.

There are a few rules that I do have to mention prior to accepting the award.
  • I have to thank the blogger who nominated me and provide a link to their blog. ✔
  • I have to write a post to show the award. ✔
  • I have to write a brief story of how my blog started. ✔
  • I have to give two pieces of advice to new bloggers. ✔
  • I have to select 15 other bloggers that I want to pass this award onto. ✔
  • I also have to comment on each of the 15 blogs to let them know that I have nominated them and provide them the link to this post. ✔

Why did I start my Blog?

I started my blog in August 2016 as a means of clearing my mind from all that we were experiencing on our Autism journey. At that stage we were 6 months into our official journey as we had received L's diagnosis in January 2016 and I had quite a lot on my mind. I wanted a little piece of the internet to clear my thoughts on and hence my blog was born.

As I have said in a previous post, writing for my blog acts like a soul cleansing - writing gets it all out there, there is nothing left for me to dwell on. I can mull it over while writing, analyse it while re-reading and editing the post, and then my mind is clear when I hit the publish button. Writing for my blog is like therapy!!

I have been asked why I chose the name "Raising My Little Superheroes" for my blog and the explanation is really quite simple - and there's absolutely nothing deep and meaningful to the explanation I am sad to say!

As a Mum I am raising both my children and in my eyes, they are both little superheroes. They have both been through so much in their short number of years. L's obsession is superheroes and O is also partial to watching superhero cartoons and television shows, so I figured that the name of my blog really explains what I do!

Being on an Autism journey can be quite a lonely experience. You truly do find out who your true friends are, those that understand and accept your children for who they are. I am sad to say that we have lost a few friends so far on this journey, but they are the ones who are missing out!

I truly hope that by sharing our experience, I am able to let other families know that they are not alone on this journey. An autism journey can be a positive experience, if you are willing to let it be. We have our fair share of rough days and I am happy to share these as well as the positive days - I want others to know that we understand and get what they are going through. I want others to know that support is there to those who want it.

Over the last 11 months I have come across many a blog that has been going for quite some number of years and I honestly hope that my blog will be one of those in years to come that inspire others to share their own story.

Looking forward my aim for my blog is raise awareness and acceptance of Autism and to educate others by sharing our families story. As I said in my first Blogger Recognition Award post I hope that my blog provides an insight into living life with two children on the Autism Spectrum as well as educates, inspires, and supports others who are also on this journey.

Advice for New Bloggers!

The first piece of advice that I have is to write with passion. When I first floated the idea of starting a blog to my husband, I was very clear in my mind about what I wanted to blog about - I wanted to share every facet of our autism journey. I have found that being passionate about your topic makes it incredibly easy to think of and write post ideas. I have come across many bloggers who write with passion, and it really shows in their writing. Passionate blogs are easy to read and they are the blogs that I constantly return to. They are the blogs that I want to keep up to date with. They are the blogs that I feel connected to!

The second piece of advice that I have is seek out and make some networks within the blogging community. The blogging community is so diverse - you name the topic, there is probably someone in this wide world who is blogging about it! And if you ask for advice, take it on board. The blogging community is here to support you!

Now this is the part I am looking forward to. I love visiting other people's blogs. I've yet to come across a blog that I haven't enjoyed reading and there are so many amazing bloggers who write with passion. I am going to do something slightly different this time as I am going to include why I want to pass the Blogger Recognition Award onto them!

So without any further ado and in no particular order these are 15 of my favourite bloggers.
  • Tasha over at Meldrums on The Move - this is one lady who knows her stuff! Have a read of the post about assisting on a community project in Kenya!
  • Doris from over at Sugar, Spice and All Things Autism - I love this post about helping our ASD children to reach for the stars.
  • Kelly over at It's a Tink Thing - Kel's daughter Tink, also has autism so I can relate to everything that she blogs about.
  • Meghna over at Love, Life and the Little One - I love her post about Dad's who are Rocking Fatherhood!
  • Jessie over at Two Little Homeschoolers - she has a great no cook playdoh recipe on her blog!
  • Sara over at Travels with Tots - I love all her reasons why she takes her little guy with her on her travels.
  • Grandi over at My Aggrandized Life - Have a read of the post about lessons in grace and courtesy.
  • Marissa over at Diytified - Marissa has some great DIY projects on her blog, like this DIY Growth Chart!
  • Rachel over at A Life with A Little - I love Rachel's post on the 5 things that she learnt from a self-care weekend. A must read!
  • Emma over at Mummy's Munchkins - I love her Ode to her Kids as I can relate to a lot of what she has penned!
  • Shawna over at Mish Mash Mommy - she has a great post up of 26 books to include in your toddlers library!
  • Lisa from over at A Life Less Ordinary - I love Lisa's post on the 5 reasons that her son's autism diagnosis has made her a better person.
  • Joseph over at Insert Chaos Here - this is a man who writes with passion and humour. This post about an encounter with a bee made me laugh!
  • Brandon over at Right Brained Mom - I love the post on the rock race track!
  • Megan over at Restless Meg - Her open letter to herself is very honest and powerful.

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I would love to hear your thoughts on my blog. I do read all the comments that are posted. Thanks so much for stopping by. Jen xx