Sunday, 15 July 2018

A Short Story Series by O!

Where is this year going? We're midway through the year and the school holidays have come to end. O has been a very busy, creative little superhero this school holidays with writing a series of short stories as well as doing some research on various topics.

I had no idea that she'd been writing and the fist short story that she showed to me, blew me away.

Whoever said that individuals with autism have a limited imagination and no creativity, needs to meet O!

When I asked if she wanted to publish them on the blog, she jumped at the opportunity. Within seconds of mentioning about publishing them on the blog, the pencils and paper came out and she was drawing pictures to go with her first short story.

So, keep an eye out for them on the blog, I have a feeling that there will be more than one short story being written in the near future! I'll be adding links to each story as O adds them!

The Five Amazing Friends - Transformation!

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