Saturday, 15 February 2020

L's Speech Therapy Journey

Four years ago, on the 2nd of February 2016, L began early intervention therapy which included Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy, at an amazing Early Intervention centre called Little Stars with the Autism Association of Western Australia. Little Stars rapidly became known as Tara's School due to the bond that one of his therapists, Tara, built with L. 

L's first day at Tara's School was a nerve wrecking day for all us as L's verbal communication skills were still developing. He did a lot of stimming we initially arrived but by the smiles on his face when we collected him after his session, he had had a ball.

Since that date, L has been attending weekly speech therapy sessions and over the last four years L has made huge leaps and bounds and he is continuing to move forward.

Last Wednesday afternoon, L came to the end of his speech therapy journey. It really was a bittersweet moment as all of his speech therapists have become extended family members. They have all invested a lot of time, both professionally and personally, into developing L's abilities as well as encouraging him on his Autism journey. But as his Speech therapist said on Wednesday, L has come to the end of what a speech therapist is able to do. In looking at the scope of what a Speech Therapist can do, L has reached the end point with speech therapy.

So now we're down to Occupational Therapy and psychology sessions!!

I am so very proud of just far L has come. He's faced many obstacles, and will probably face more going forward, but so far he has overcome everything that he has faced. From a little boy who struggled to understand his own, and others emotions, who was non-verbal to the talkative, mischievous little superhero that he is today.

This little superheroes future is very, very bright!

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