Wednesday, 8 April 2020

2020 .... For Our Children

2020 ... so many of us had grand plans for this year. But 2020 had other ideas!!

Australia started the year with wild fires, then came the floods, then came COVID 19 and threw everyone's plans into chaos.

We've seen some massive challenges and changes world wide in a very, very short time. Our politicians keep praising our essential workers who are not only keeping the world working but also keeping us all safe - doctors, nurses, teachers, early childhood educators, shop assistants, garbage truck workers and everyone in between.

But what about our children?

Over the last month, children the world over have stayed indoors more than they’ve ever done so far in their lives and they are more than likely to spend even more time indoors for the foreseeable future. Their whole worlds have literally been turned upside down in a matter of days. All these rules that they’ve never known or imagined.

A life they couldn’t have imagined. Adults talking about others becoming unwell, news reporting death after death all over the world. News stations reporting on adults fighting over toilet paper and other basic necessities. Our world's politicians shutting down their countries one after another. Rules being implemented on a daily basis and in some cases the rules keep changing on a fairly regular basis.

Our poor children's minds must be racing. But every day they get up and carry on, despite all that’s going on, and with minimal complaints.

Our children, and us, are a part of living history and one day, they'll be able to tell their children about the time in their lives when there was uncertainty the world over. The time when we all stayed home to try to flatten the curve to prevent COVID19 from spreading even further and causing more heartache.

They’ve painted pictures, drawn rainbows, and put teddy bears in their windows for the “heroes” out in the world.

So here's to our very own little heroes, today, tomorrow, forever ❤️

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