Friday, 17 February 2023

The Yogi Awards

This happened this afternoon, presentation of medallions at the annual Animal Therapies Conference.

A little background, the medallion was first presented as an award for showing courage, determination and resilience several years ago at the Animal Therapies Conference. 

It is now known as the Yogi Award after a PTSD Assistance Dog by the name of Yogi. Yogi was instrumental in literally saving their owner/handlers life, a former Police Sergeant. Yogi, like Henry, did a stint in prison as part of a training program!

Usually there is one Yogi Award recipient. This year, Wendy and the board from Animal Therapies Limited couldn't decide on a winner, so there were six individuals and/or teams who received a medallion for showing Courage, Determination and Resilience.

Team Henry were one of those teams, and out of the six recipients, three were young children and their assistance dogs ❤️

Henry, as you all know, has made the most positive impact on L, as well as on our family ❤️

This was such an honour for Team Henry.

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