Thursday 1 September 2016

Angry Octopus review by Miss O

*** Please note that we do not receive commissions for any kind for this review, 
it is simply a book that we have found useful. ***

We've decided to get our little superheroes involved in the blog. Miss O struggles with anxiety and we've got a few books that seem to help. This is one of her favourites.

1. What is the title of the book?
Angry Octopus

2. Who is the author?
Lori Lite

3. What is the book about?
An octopus that had a lovely garden and then 3 lobsters ruined his garden and he got really angry and he couldn't control his feelings. A little mermaid helps him to calm down with breathing exercises.

4. Do you like this book? Why do you like this book?
Yes, because it helps me to calm down when I'm angry or sad. I like the stretches that the little mermaid tells the octopus to do and they help me relax.

5. Would you recommend this book to other kids and why would you recommend it?
Yes because I'm a nice girl and I think it would help my friends because it helps me. And because I like to help other kids if they're angry.

6. Out of 5 stars,  what do you rate this book?
5 stars!

From a parents perspective, this is a well written book that provides the reader with calming techniques to use, in the form of breathing exercises and stretches. Miss O will usually ask one of us to read it to her after she's had a meltdown. It does seem to work better when we read the book, as she can just lay down and concentrate on her breathing. 

And no, we aren't related to the author, nor do we receive anything for reviewing the book,  I just wanted to share a fantastic resource that we've found.

Happy reading!


  1. This is wonderful. Very unique way of writing a book review. I will definitely check this one out in my local store.

  2. My kids are grown, but thanks for sharing this. I'm going to keep it in mind for my friends with young kids. I like to have resources to share!

  3. I have been an avid reader but with advent of ebooks I think the habit is dying.. Would love to read this book

  4. I love how thoughtful a d detailed your child’s answers are. Would definitely ad this book to my daughter's reading list.

  5. My daughter could use a few of these techniques! We'll have to try this book with her. Thanks!

  6. I absolutely love that you got your little one involved in the book review!!

  7. I think it's wonderful that your little one has enough self-awareness to understand the benefit of reading this after a meltdown.

  8. I'll have to try this with my twins - thanks!

  9. This is cute book. I will search it on amazon I hope its available there. Would love to get one for my daughter.

  10. This looks like a wonderful read. I hope to add it to our collection.

  11. That's so cute to read these answers, so innocent and full of truth..Would love to read more such posts:)

  12. It sounds like a great book to keep handy. Such a relevant book that teaches important lessons for young and adults

  13. What a cute book review... I will have to get this book for my son! shell


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