Tuesday, 17 April 2018

My Mummy IEP reviewed.

In April of 2017 I published a blog post titled "My Mummy IEP!"

If you haven't heard of an IEP previously, an IEP or an Individualised Education Plan is a document that is developed by teachers and other education professionals in consultation with the parents for children with special needs.

The IEP outlines goals for the child to work on at school in the areas of education, social, physical and/or behavioural difficulties. It is an in depth document and really is vital for a child's academic success at school.

IEP's are meant to be evaluated, reviewed and updated on a 6 month basis so the time  for my IEP review is well and truly overdue!

Objective 1: To complete the household laundry in a timely manner.

Goal 1: Minimum progress is still being shown in regards to taking the wet washing out of the washing machine once the cycle has finished. The latest load has been washed three times this week thus far and it is currently sitting in the dryer waiting to be hung on the line!

A Behaviour Intervention Plan has been implemented with little success! It is suggested that the Behaviour Intervention Plan be modified to include hot coffee, a glass of wine or a chocolate or two.

It is suggested that a Shared Responsibility Plan be implemented so that all members of Superhero Headquarters can assist in clearing the washing machine.

Goal 2: Progress has been shown in regards to hanging the washing out on the washing line in a timely manner. Although there has been some improvement, a little more effort could be shown.

Goal 3: Progress has been shown in regards to bringing the washing in from the line once it is dry. This has been helped with the fact that if the washing is not brought in, the bats flying around at night will poop on the washing! Not a pleasant sight or smell!

Goal 4: Minimum progress has been shown in regards to folding the washing. Many a times the little superheroes  have been observed embarking on a mountain trek to retrieve their clothes!!

A Behaviour Intervention Plan has been implemented with little success! It is suggested that the Behaviour Intervention Plan be modified to include hot coffee, a glass of wine or a chocolate or two. It is suggested that a Shared Responsibility Plan be implemented so that all members of Superhero Headquarters can assist in folding the washing.

Objective 2: To sleep in own bed.

Goal 1: Minimum progress has been shown in regards to sleeping in my own bed. Numerous behaviour intervention  plans have been implemented for all members of superhero headquarters to no avail. It is suggested that a team meeting is held so that this goal can be re-evaluated and a new goal be set because this Mummy really needs to achieve the sleep level that she requires to be a fully functioning member of society instead of the Mummy zombie that she currently feels like! Although this goal of sleeping in my own bed may be a bit too ambitious so perhaps it should be omitted completely and substituted with a goal of simply getting some sleep!

Objective 3: To check the little superheroes school bags on a daily basis.

Goal 1: Progress was being made in regards to this goal until a week ago when a nasty surprise was located in a certain little superheroes school bag. Luckily the surprise was contained within a lunch container. However the smell was gag inducing and as such the container was thrown out! It is suggested that a team meeting be held to remind the youngest members of Superhero Headquarters that stashing food in their school bags does not make for a pleasant surprise!

A new objective needs to be added to my Mummy IEP, please see below.

Objective 4: To remain calm instead going bat poo crazy!

Goal 1: To remain calm and level headed when the little superheroes are doing their very best to make my head spin around. This needs to be achieved a minimum of 4 out of 5 times with 75% accuracy.

Date Started: Too many years ago to mention.

Date Mastered: Minimum progress has been shown thus far. A Behaviour Intervention Plan is recommended that consists of deep breathing exercises and counting to ten. A reward system is also recommended to be put in place to earn rewards such as a hot coffee, chocolate or a glass of wine.

Shared Responsibilities: All members of superhero headquarters need to be accountable for their actions in spinning Mummies head around! It is recommended that a visual board with prompts  be established and then scale back the prompts as progress is shown because to be perfectly honest, this may be a bit too ambitious.

What would be in your IEP if you were to compose one?

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