Earlier this year, I was asked to present at a professional development for early childhood educators. The presentation? All about Autism and Sensory Processing Difficulties.
The presentation was received so well that I thought that I would use part of my presentation on my blog as I'm often asked questions about Autism and O and L. So here goes!! Part One focusing on the Triad of Impairments.
Individuals who have been diagnosed with Autism commonly have
difficulties in three main areas, known as the Triad of Impairments. These areas are ....
1. Communication Impairment
2. Impairment in Social Interaction
3. Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours,
activities and interests.
Before we begin to discuss these three areas, keep in mind that many of these traits are present in typically developing children. The difference in those diagnosed with ASD, is the intensity in which these traits present. In a child with ASD, the traits are much, much more intense and they are ongoing. I’m going to refer to children with Autism but all of these traits may be present in Autistic adults as well.
Before we begin to discuss these three areas, keep in mind that many of these traits are present in typically developing children. The difference in those diagnosed with ASD, is the intensity in which these traits present. In a child with ASD, the traits are much, much more intense and they are ongoing. I’m going to refer to children with Autism but all of these traits may be present in Autistic adults as well.
Children who have been diagnosed
with Autism have a unique profile of communication
development. While different skill levels in communication are seen – from non-verbal right through to verbal – children with Autism, regardless of
their skill level ALL have difficulty in a number of areas. Many remain
significantly impaired throughout their lives in their ability to understand
language and/or to communicate verbally. Those children who are considered to be high
functioning will still have a communication deficit.
Those children who are non-verbal may
understand more than they can speak. They may be
highly intelligent and unable to verbalise their thoughts, needs and wants.
Non-verbal also does not mean quiet. Often children who are non-verbal can be
the loudest!
Children may
talk at peers rather than talk with peers. They may want to exclusively talk
about their favourite
topic. This isn’t because they are eccentric or uncaring, they have major skill
deficits in understanding the social use of language as well as being unable to
understand Theory of Mind – they
don’t understand that everyone doesn’t quite always think or feel the way that
they do.
In children whose language does develop,
their comprehension can often be very literal and as such they are very
concrete thinkers. They may have difficulty in understanding abstract concepts or phrases such as “hold your horses” or
“stop and smell the roses.”
We have some very interesting conversations at home – “Your shoes are on the wrong feet! But I don’t have any other feet!” “Please put your shoes and socks on. Don’t you mean socks and then my shoes.” “We’re going to follow our noses! Why is your nose up in the air? I’m following it.” “Go and hop in the bath please.” That was a fun one to sort out! My children are bone fida smart alecs!
We have some very interesting conversations at home – “Your shoes are on the wrong feet! But I don’t have any other feet!” “Please put your shoes and socks on. Don’t you mean socks and then my shoes.” “We’re going to follow our noses! Why is your nose up in the air? I’m following it.” “Go and hop in the bath please.” That was a fun one to sort out! My children are bone fida smart alecs!
Often, a child’s thinking may be
concrete, literal and detail focused, so that he or she may find it difficult
to see the bigger picture. As an example, children with Autism may focus on a
small ladybird on the corner of each page of a book, rather than the main
pictures and the story.
Stay tuned for Part Two - Impairment in Social Interaction.
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