Wednesday, 19 May 2021

L's Autism Journey

2021 marks a  pretty big milestone for L and our family.

Five years ago this year, we received official confirmation that L was in fact on the spectrum. And look where he is now!

From non verbal, struggling to understand his and others emotions, struggling to make friends, lots of emotional and sensory overloaded days where he didn't want to step outside of his comfort zone, to now

L is now confident and tackles whatever obstacles are in his way head on. He is wanting to learn new skills and try new activities. He does recognise that he is different from his peers, but different in a good way. And he is embracing his Autism and ADHD!

"I got awes-tism and super fast 80-HD brain!"

We've been on a learning journey with him and have learnt so much about the world by looking through his eyes. He's taught us that while the world can be a scary place, there's lots of beauty if you look at it differently.

Buddy, you going to go far. There is no limit ⭐⭐

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