Sunday, 9 May 2021

The Little Superheroes at The Holt Bolt

*** Please note that I do not receive commissions of any kind for this post. This post discusses a therapy provider that we have found useful. ***

Last year brought a whole range of changes for everyone right across the globe. For me personally, I began a new career. After working in the early learning and education industry for over 20 years, I took the plunge and began work in the Disabuly Support industry as a Support Worker. Just quietly, I am loving the change.

But that's another post. I'm working one on one with young adults both in their homes and in the community, assisting them to develop their independence skills. One of the places that I accompany my clients to is The Holt Bolt.

When I first took a client to their session at Holt Bolt, I immediately thought that both little superheroes would love being a part of the Holt Bolt family. Initially the sessions were held at a very small (and compact) gymnasium, but they've recently moved to a purpose fitted gym.

So what is Holt Bolt? As their website states, Holt Bolt is all about helping people of all ages and abilities to overcome obstacles. Holt Bolt was founded by Richard Holt in 2013 and has grown every year since. The Holt Bolt team deliver physical training and exercise physiology to people of all ages and all abilities in a fun environment.

I've participated in a few Holt Bolt sessions with the clients that I work with, and they are a lot of fun. So much fun, that I don't think a few of my clients realise just how hard their bodies are working during the session! I know that the day after, my legs were reminding me just how hard I had worked!!

On a Friday evening a few weeks ago, the little superheroes had their first look at Holt Bolt. L's eyes lit up when we entered their new purpose fitted training center. Not only is there every type of exercise equipment imaginabe, there is also an inflatable obstacle course, an arcade type motor cycle game, an electronic basketball game and numerous other types of resources.

The little superheroes first session was all about meeting their trainer (they were lucky enough to have two trainers, one of whom is in training herself and is one of the little superheroes former swimming instructors!) From their first session, their instructor could gauge what the little superheroes needed to work on, she started to build a rapport with both little superheroes and finally, they were there to have fun.

They did a short workout and they played a few games. And at the end of the session, they both wanted to keep going, and they can't wait for their next session. Both were having so much fun, that they didn't realise that they were working on strengthening their core, as well as further developing their gross and fine motor skills.

All of the activities that the little superheroes will engage in at Holt Bolt will further develop skills that they already have.

So thank you to the trainers at Holt Bolt, we're looking forward to watching the little superheroes further develop their skills.

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