Wednesday, 16 November 2016

I am Blessed

I feel blessed each and every day when I look at my little superheroes and here are some of the reasons why.

I am blessed with children who have special talents. They don't have a disability, they have different abilities. They inspire me every day to be a special kind of person. To be more patient, more caring and more open to different ways of thinking. They inspire me to be an advocate for them and other children like them.

I am blessed that I have a special needs child who is not a statistic, he's not a number, he's not a diagnosis. He is my child who has a different ability and he's taking on a difficult world, head first, and at pace.

I am blessed as God doesn't give special needs children to just anyone. He takes imperfect people and gifts them with the greatest treasures. He knows that we can handle anything that is thrown at us because we've been through some down moments and got through the other side in one piece.

I am blessed that my beautiful girl is such a caring soul. She teaches others around her about acceptance and inclusion. She is determined that nothing will hold her back from achieving her dreams.

I am blessed that the sacrifices that I make today will give my little superheroes a better tomorrow.

I am blessed, I have two children who amaze me each and every day with their abilities.

Are you blessed? What makes your list? What are the positives that you can look back at each day and say "Yep, my life isn't that bad after all, I might struggle but I'm doing okay with what I've been given."


  1. This the season for sure. Cheers to more thankfulness coming your way!

  2. I am blessed to have my family. Some days are rough as my one year old is super active and exhausting but I love him so much. I am blessed to have him and his little hugs and kisses. I am blessed to have a supportive husband who provides for our family as well.

  3. This is a beautiful post. Sometimes, we truly just need to take a moment and ponder upon how blessed we truly are. My heart is warm just reading yours. Thank you and Happy Sunday :)

  4. I am with you! My sister has different abilities as well so when we were young, we have to stay at home to take turns in caring for her. This, of course, resulted to a more tightly-knit family! Our family grew closer and sweeter because of her. We are just blessed to have her and I thank God for her everyday...

    1. You sound like you have a wonderful family. I love that your sister has a different ability, they can achieve anything that they put their minds to. Hugs and love to you all xx

  5. Awwww now this was one lovely post!!! It's nice to look at what we have in life and be thankful for it!!!

  6. It is always the little things in life which gives us the most pleasure. Children might be little but they are all huge blessings no matter what their talents or abilities. I feel so blessed for both my little boys!

    1. Oh definitely, I wouldn't change my children for the world.

  7. Replies
    1. This is beautiful. Simply beautiful. May we all be inspired to surround ourselves in thoughts like this.

  8. You are a wonderful mom. I am currently pregnant with my first baby, and I am dying to meet her. When I was going for an ultra sound to check on the sex of the baby, someone asked me if I would be happy with a girl. My thought was, I will be happy with any child I am giving. They are precious no matter what!

    1. Thank you. Congratulations xx being a mum really is the best job in the world!

  9. My best friend's little brother is autistic and he is the sweetest and most brilliant child I have ever met!

  10. Children really are a blessing. This was a beautiful post (:

    Isaly Holland

  11. It's nice to read something like this. I am inspired to live my day with a grateful heart. Thanks for sharing.

  12. It's nice to read something like this. I am inspired to live my life with a grateful heart, to greet each day with positivity. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thank you for these beautiful reminders.

    Celeste |

  14. Truly beautiful post! It shows how grateful you are for all the joys you have in life!
    Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones. :)

    1. Thank you, merry christmas to you and your family too xx

  15. What a beautiful post!! It is always the little things in life which gives us the most pleasure. Thanks for sharing this inspirational thoughts with us :-) <3

  16. This is a wonderful post, beautifully written. You are an excellent mother.

  17. very uplifting post, always good to be thankful. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  18. I am touched. Your perspective is so beautiful. I am sure your children are very specially gifted. And they are going to outshine others around them

  19. Such a wonderful felling to read your post! All of us should take a break and think about how we are blessed with someone, something......

    1. Thank you Ance! It is good to take a break and reflect on the positives in our lives.


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