Tuesday 22 November 2016

Little superheroes love to tell jokes!

Don't you love it when children try to tell jokes but they haven't yet grasped the concept of a joke?

L tries his hardest to tell jokes, and quite frankly they are funny because we end up going round and round in circles.

L's jokes usually start with "Mummy, why did the chicken/dinosaur/batman cross the road?" We then go round in circles as he wants me to give the answer but of course I don't know the answer. We all end up in fits of giggles on the floor.

O has finally grasped the concept of a joke and she has her set repertoire that she says, all the time.

Knock knock jokes involving Doctor Who, an annoying orange joke that she read in a story book, the interrupting cow joke from the movie "Home" and a few others.

On Sunday night as O went off to bed she looked at me and said in a very serious tone:

"Mummy I have a joke to tell you."

I was expecting one from her normal routine but this is what she came out with!

What's another name for a snail?
A boogie with a helmet!

We burst out laughing and O went off to bed giggling her head off!

It is safe to say, that neither child went to sleep easily on Sunday night. O was still giggling in bed and L kept repeating the joke and would giggle each time he said the punch line!

Life is never dull in our place and I wouldn't have it any other way!

What are some of your little superheroes favourite jokes? Perhaps I can teach a few more to O and L!

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