Every family, every household, differs in some way in the same sense that every child diagnosed with Autism differs. No two are alike so the things that we do, may or may not work for your household. There are however certain aspects of Autism that are similar from individual to individual and some of the strategies that we use will benefit others.
There are some days when I am honestly not sure how we manage. These are the days when we are just winging it and hoping for the best. But there are strategies that we use subconsciously every day that help to make our days run smoother.
Most of the time, our days are structured to minimize the stress on our family but also to maximize our time to fit everything in. And there is a lot to do each week – not only is there our paid work commitments to consider but there are specialist appointments, therapy sessions, swimming lessons, day care and school and anything else that may crop up through the week.
I’m not saying that every day in superhero headquarters is regimented down to the last minute, but there is a little bit of structure throughout each day.
If there is one thing that we learnt very rapidly on this journey it was the importance of schedules, consistency and routine in the day to day happenings in our household. Both my little superheroes thrive on routine and consistency and they rapidly descend into meltdown mode if either of these is suddenly changed or is non-existent.
Both O and L need consistency and routine as they are what makes them feel safe. They may have had a rough day at school or day care but when they get home, they both know exactly how and why things are done. This helps to ground them. Routines and consistency brings back a sense of normality that they are familiar with. Chaos for anyone generally doesn’t have a calming effect, throw in Autism and chaos adds a whole new dimension of stress.
All I can suggest is that if you are after strategies, you might consider and modify some of our ideas so that they will work for you.
What do you mean by consistency?
Consistency could mean anything from the discipline
methods used in your household to where you eat dinner every evening to how
things are done around the house. If
things are not kept consistent, then your child may become confused. Their
expectations of how things happen are suddenly changed and they may struggle to
keep it all together.
L and O know that their school bags are kept in a
corner in the dining room. L generally takes his green blanket to day care and
school every day - god help us if anything ever happens to said green blanket
as I wouldn’t have a clue where to get a replacement from – and once we have
arrived home he will go looking for it when he needs to relax. If we constantly
moved his school bag around, this would add to his stress. A simple act like
having all the school bags in the same place, every day, reduces the stress. It
also makes it easier in the mornings when we ask O and L to help get their school
bags ready for the day.
Keeping all the shoes in the same place means that when L is asked to get his shoes,
he knows where they are and can go and get them. It gives his self confidence a boost as he knows exactly where he needs to go.
It did take quite some time of me feeling like I was
constantly banging my head against a wall, but eventually both my little
superheroes understood where the school bags, lunch boxes, drink bottles, hats
and other items went.
Most children can be taught how to organize, it may
not be easy and might not happen at a fast pace, but if you persevere they will
get there. If children can be taught good organizing habits, then it makes
sense that calm should follow and that they’ll take these skills into
I have heard of some families putting visual cues up
around their house so that their children know where everything belongs. This
could be a picture of a hat or a school bag or shoes. This will not only assist
your child to learn where everything belongs but they are great therapy tools –
remember, everything can be turned into a therapy game!!
The way that I look at it, if I can make a household
chore into a therapy game, the sooner L will achieve his therapy goals. L loves
to help with wiping the dishes. If I put the wet cup on the opposite side of
the table to his free hand then he has to cross his midline to get the cup! If
you put a picture of a hat where the hats belong, this will help with your
child’s language skills.
If you struggle with consistency in your household, it
is a good idea to sit down with all the adult members of the house and explain the
benefits of consistency for your child. If you are all on the same page and the
other adults understand the reasons behind the consistency, life is going to be
much calmer for everyone.
Visual schedules
One of the things that L loves about going to Tara’s school, apart from seeing Tara, is his visual timetable. After he’s arrived at
Tara’s school and has settled in, L will go to his visual schedule to find out
what he is doing that afternoon. Daddy superhero thought that it was brilliant
and set about to make our own visual schedule for home.
In the past we have tried printing off very simple
visual schedules but they were never well received by L or O. So Daddy
superhero got all the supplies that he needed, sat down with L and O, explained
what he wanted to make and then started being creative. And wouldn’t you know
it, both little superheroes wanted to help, they were their schedules after
all. For their schedules we just used a piece of thick card, sticky backed Velcro dots and small wooden shapes.
Both O and L have a morning and an afternoon schedule
that they can refer to at any point. Their schedules remind them of the steps
that they have to do every day. The schedule reminds them of what they need to
get ready for the day. I will always go along after to make sure they have
remembered everything, but with the schedules, they can take some ownership and
gain confidence in their own ability.
We have visual schedules of the items that L needs to
have for rugby training and games. We have a visual schedule for L of the steps
involved in putting on sunscreen. We used to have a visual schedule of the
steps involved in going to the toilet. All of these are little reminders to L
on how to do things so that he can learn for himself. They give him the
confidence to be able to do things himself.
Visual schedules can be as simple or as complicated as you like, and there are plenty of free sites where you can obtain the visuals from to make your own schedules.
At the beginning of the last school year last, I typed up both O and L’s schedules for the week of what was happening each day at school, therapy or day care. This helped me to remember what was on each day and what each child needed to take with them each day. This was my reminder and it spent the whole year on the fridge for everyone to see.
At the beginning of the last school year last, I typed up both O and L’s schedules for the week of what was happening each day at school, therapy or day care. This helped me to remember what was on each day and what each child needed to take with them each day. This was my reminder and it spent the whole year on the fridge for everyone to see.
It also meant that when I was booking in specialist,
therapy, funding appointments that I could refer to my schedule to make sure
that I wasn’t double booking ourselves.
Routines, routines, routines…..
If routines are kept the same, then they are the
predictable calm part of your child’s day. O and L know that, generally, we are
awake at the same time every week day morning – still trying to convince O that
she really doesn’t need to be up at 6am on a weekend morning!
After they wake up, it is breakfast time, then they
get dressed for the day and then they can play. Both little superheroes know
that before they can go off and play, they need to do all their steps on their
morning schedule.
L knows that Tuesday is my day off – not that it
really is a day off – from work. Mummy’s day off to L means that it is shopping
day and Tara’s School.
O has a set bed time routine that she developed
herself – I know that if we deviate from that routine, bed time is a lot
noisier and very drawn out. Even our drive to and from school is set, it is the
quickest and easiest route to get there and hooley dooley look out if I go a
different way, I can guarantee that there will be a little voice from the back
seat saying “this the wrong way!”
I can’t encourage routines enough, it really is best
to keep life as stable and routine as possible for a child or an adult with
Autism. Even if it means that you need to write down a routine for yourself and
put it on the fridge, set reminders and alarms on your phone, emails etc.
Saying that,there are going to be times when routines are going to
have to be changed and children with Autism need to learn that life is not
always going to happen in a certain way. Changing up routines every now and
then is a good thing. You could make little subtle changes and then work your
way up to large spontaneous changes. These will help your child to adapt to
changes at school when they have no notice of a relief teacher for the day.
Being comfortable with change will reduce the stress on them, internally they
will know that even though they’ll feel anxious that they can get through it.
If I know that one of our routines is going to change,
I do forewarn my little superheroes so that they are prepared. We learnt to do
this the hard way! I also talk to both little superheroes on a regular basis
about what we need to do or what is going to happen that day.
Let’s face it, an integral part of being a special
needs parent is the what seems to be the never ending specialist appointments. It
honestly feels like we spend more time sitting in specialist offices than we do
enjoying the company of our friends.
I’m very lucky in that I only work four days a week.
As I mentioned earlier, Tuesday is my day off. This means that Tuesday is
generally appointment day. I try to organize any appointments that we need to
go to for a Tuesday morning. I do all my phone calls to funding bodies, case
managers etc on a Tuesday afternoon when L is at therapy and before I pick up O
from school.
Setting aide time to make phone calls means that I am not rushing around like a head less chook. I know that this time is generally free from distractions (namely O and L) and I can get everything organised.
Setting aide time to make phone calls means that I am not rushing around like a head less chook. I know that this time is generally free from distractions (namely O and L) and I can get everything organised.
If I’m unable to make appointments for a Tuesday, then
I will always try to make the little superheroes appointments either early in
the morning before school or after school. Morning appointments mean that the
little superheroes are fresh from sleep and as such the appointments generally
go well. Both O and L like going to school and really don’t like being pulled
out of school early. O panics about school work that she might be missing so
after school appointments reduce the stress on her.
When I’m making appointments I also try, where
possible, to book follow up appointments, if they are needed, months in
advance. At one point, I had four months worth of psychologist appointments booked for O. One
of the great things about all our specialists is that they phone a week out
from the appointment to remind us. I also write all our appointments on our
calendar and put them in my phone. Can never have too many reminders!
Depending on which specialist we are going to, I try
to prepare the little superheroes beforehand. I’ll talk to them about why we
have to go and where we are going. L identifies specialist offices by their
play areas and water dispensers – so I’ll remind him which one he’ll be going
When we go to appointments, we always take our bag of
tricks – it has toys, games, books, colouring in books, paper, pencils, food,
drink bottles and wipes in it as well as some sensory toys. We must look like
were going for a week-long trip. All of these items assist my little superheroes
to feel comfortable, they all assist to keep them calm. The office may be busy,
but my little superheroes can retreat to their belongings that they know.
This is a big one is our house and it is usually the
one that takes up the most time each day. At the start of the week I will ask O
and L what they want for lunches each day at school. We are quite lucky in that
both little superheroes have their standard fair that they eat at school each
day. Wednesday is always tuck shop day at school for O, so that brings it down
to four lunches.
Prior to doing the shopping I am one of these crazy people
who do up a weekly menu. The menu has certainly saved us not only money but
also time. Between the menu and knowing what the little superheroes want for
lunch, I know exactly what I need to buy. If Daddy superhero is on dinner duty,
he has a list of preplanned ideas to cook. This has definitely been a saving
grace for us. It saves a lot of time when you know what is in the fridge or
One of the best and most used kitchen appliances that
I have ever brought has been our slow cooker, in fact we have two of them. You
can cook almost anything in a slow cooker – roasts, soups, curries, pasta, you
name it there is probably a slow cooker recipe for it. It is great, I can put
the slow cooker on in the morning and then when I get home, dinner is done. If we’re
at appointments all day, the slow cooker means I don’t have to worry about
dinner. If we’ve had a rough day with the little superheroes being in sensory
overload, having dinner looked after is a huge relief.
I honestly use our slow cooker more often than I use
the stove and oven!
Depending on what is on the menu, I always cook more than we need. The leftovers go into the deep freezer for those nights when we are just too tired to cook.
Depending on what is on the menu, I always cook more than we need. The leftovers go into the deep freezer for those nights when we are just too tired to cook.
Always Be Prepared. Channel your inner Scout!
During the school week if I’m able to, I will get the
little superheroes clothes for the next day ready the night before. The clothes
are laid out where O and L can see them. This eliminates them having to decide
what they want to wear the next day. With L, he likes to be in control, so I
will always have a few choices for him to chose from. This makes him feel like
he is in control but I get the outcome that I am after – L getting dressed. It
also means that he can visibly see what he has to put on and he will rarely get
“lost” while getting dressed.
It sounds rather silly but I also get my clothes for
the next day ready the night before. It just makes the mornings run so much
smoother. It is one less thing to organize.
If I’m starting early at work I will get school
lunches ready so that in the morning I can just pack lunch boxes.
All of these strategies give us a few extra minutes in
the morning to play with.
Make some friends.
Being on this Autism journey has made me feel much
more comfortable talking to strangers. When you’re sitting in a waiting room
watching your child wreck havoc, I mean play, talk to those around you. We have
a group of friends that we met through our therapy appointments. Being on this
Autism journey can be lonely at times and finding people who understand exactly
what you are going through is important for your own sanity.
Reach out to other people who are on a similar
journey, exchange stories, compare notes, have a circle of friends that when
you are in a dark place, will understand and be a listening ear.
There are some great Facebook groups which are filled
with supportive members. One group that I am part of is Autism Living Life onThe Spectrum. I can sound ideas off other members, ask for advice, have virtual
coffee chats, share lows and most importantly share wins.
Tag, you’re it!
In superhero headquarters it really is a tag-team
effort between myself and Daddy superhero. With L’s sleeping patterns, or lack
thereof, we will take it turns to stay awake with L. Or we will tag out during
the night if we need to sleep. Cooking is a tag-team effort. If one person did
it all, they wouldn’t have any energy left. I really don’t know how single
parents survive.
If you don’t have any support at home, perhaps you
could rope in a trusted friend to help occasionally. It doesn't have to be
every night, maybe once a week to help out, just to give you a night off. It
could even be asking a friend to cook a meal for you once a week. I don’t like
asking for help but I have swallowed my pride in the past and asked. I injured
my neck and back a few years ago when Daddy superhero was away for work. Wanting
to stretch my back, I laid on the tiled floor and then could not for the life
of me get back up. O retrieved my phone and I phoned a friend, thanks Bec, who
not only brought Maccas for dinner but also bathed the little superheroes, got
them dressed and got them to bed.
If you need to ask for help it does not mean that you
are weak, it means that you are strong as you have recognized that you can’t do
it all.
So tag, you’re it!
Our Autism Bible
The next piece of advice that I am going to give, and
this is one that if you don’t already have this system in place, it should be
the only piece of advice that you take from this post.
At the beginning of our Autism journey, we were given
we what we call our Autism Bible through the Autism Association. This is a
three ring binder that is sectioned off with various headings. In this binder
is everything and anything to do with L and his Autism diagnosis. The binder has
L’s diagnosis notes, letters from specialists, his NDIS funding information,
L’s medical information, copies of his IEP, basically anything that we might
need to refer to when speaking to medical and therapy professionals. In the
back of the folder are pages and pages of therapy information and other sheets to give to teachers and relatives. There is space to work out therapy
expenses, card holders for all those business cards that you may acquire.
When we have appointments, this bible goes with us. I
no longer have folders everywhere, I have one folder. All the information is
kept in one easy place to find.
It makes perfect sense to keep all information in one
place but it is not something that we thought of when going through the medical
round-a-bout leading up to L’s diagnosis.
I’ve since added information that we received from his
therapists at the early intervention centre and hospital records from when L
had emergency dental surgery last year (that’s another story!) L’s immunization
records are in the file.
It is definitely something that all families should
Lastly, have some me time!
At the end of each day, make sure that YOU sit down
and relax even if it is only 5 or 10 minutes. Catch your breath, make a coffee
if you need it, read a chapter in a book, watch some television. It is vital
that you take the time to have some time for you.
I’d love to have a spotless clean house but then I
wouldn’t have time for me. Time for me to reclaim my identity. Time for me to
do something that I like doing. Time for me to recharge.
I find that when I do get the chance to sit down and do nothing, I am a lot calmer afterwards. Calm is good remember!! Calm is what we all need to aim for. When we are calm, our children are calmer!
Self-care is super important and it doesn’t have to be
completed. A day at the spa would be great, but realistically I know that isn’t
going to happen every week. Self-care could be as simple as having a cup of
coffee, reading a book, going for a walk with the family, spending some time
out in the garden, watching a show on TV, something that helps you to relax.
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