Wednesday, 11 January 2017

What I have found out about Eclipses by O

Hi, my name is O.

I wanted to find out what an eclipse was so Mummy and Daddy set up the computer so that I could search on Google.

These are the things that I found out about a solar eclipse. I did this all by myself.

A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the earth and the sun and the moons shadow obscures the sun.

Obscure means block out.

The next annular solar eclipse is on the 26th of February 2017 at 12.10 UTC. I don't know what UTC is but it is on my birthday, I'll be 8.

There are 48 days 1 hour 5 min and 47 seconds to go. That means that there are 48 days until my birthday.

You can watch a solar eclipse but you need to wear eclipse glasses or welders googles or through 2 pieces of card.

Welder googles are special glasses that people wear to do welding so that the light from the welding doesn't hurt their eyes. I asked Daddy this and he told me.

The solar eclipse will last for 7 minutes and 31 seconds.

An annular eclipse is when the edge of the sun remains visible as a bright ring around the moon. The picture I looked at was very pretty.

A solar eclipse can only take place during a new moon.

The next total solar eclipse is on August 21 2017.

But we won't be able to see these two eclipses in Australia. 

On the 7th of August 2017 there will be a partial lunar eclipse. This will be visible in Australia. I really hope that I get to watch this. I love space.

I don't know what a lunar eclipse is but I think it must be something about the moon because lunar means moon. Mummy and Daddy said that I had to stop because it was dinner time so I am going to ask if I can learn about lunar eclipse another day.

I asked Mummy if I could write this on her blog so that other people can learn about eclipses. I hope that you like what I typed.

From O


  1. Such a very informative post by your daughter! Loved it!

    Belle |

  2. Interesting information. i will add this to my calendar.

  3. How fun to let little ones make cool discoveries on their own! It's such a special time when kids still love to learn.

  4. We do this too! The kids have so many questions. They are so curious about their world arn't they?

  5. Aw, I love this! I love that you shared your space with your little curious one! Tell her thanks for all that great information on eclipses!

  6. Super awesome blog post O! I can't wait to see the next one in August!

  7. Hi O, very lovely post! Keep educating yourself on all sorts of interesting subjects, so you can grow up to be a very smart young lady! I really enjoyed reading your post and now I have learned something, too! Thank you for sharing! Lots of love from Valerie Jane, all the way from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Do you know where that is? :)

  8. Hi O, is it terrible that you've taught me something today? You are a really smart 8 year old and I wish you a Happy Birthday in 48 days time x

  9. This is so cute! I'm glad you learned so much about eclipses, and that you wanted to learn something new! Keep learning - smart girls are the best kind.

  10. Aw, this is cute! My kids like looking things up on the Internet too. Eclipses are pretty awesome.

  11. Very cute. I too have my kids either use a dictionary or use the computer for things I think they should look up and learn on their own. I had my daughter write a review of a book she read once too. Smart little cookie you got there :-)

  12. I have to admit, I am just as curious about eclipses as you. I stay up and watch as many as I can. I am going to find out when or if I can see it here in South Korea. Thank you.

  13. This is so cute. Makes me want to have my little one write a post. He already doubles as my camera man from time to time. I've learned a lot about eclipses from this post. Good job.

  14. What awesome post!! its so informative!! Your daughter is so cute :-) I love to know things about eclipses :-)!! Thanks for sharing with us

  15. Have to agree that this is such a cute post by a beautiful young lady! :)

  16. Oh Jenni! I absolutely LOVED this! How awesome of you to let little O write a blog post for you *giggles*. Seriously, she not only got a chance to learn about lunar eclipses, but she also got to brush up on her English and typing skills!

  17. Very informative post! Looking forward to August now as I was unaware until now when the next eclipses will be.

  18. This is great. Little blogger in training.

  19. Haha, your daughter is so cute. With kids, comes a lot of learning.
    Expressing Life

  20. You are so cute smart little girl Thanks for sharing these information.Keep learning :)Thank you.

  21. What a great post. Good job on the research O!

  22. Hello O! Thank you for teaching me more about eclipses. Are you going to stay up on your birthday and watch the next one? You are very intelligent! I hope you teach us more soon!

  23. This is such a great and informative post! I love that the little one wrote it and wanted to share with all of us.

  24. Fun way to get children involved in the blog! Love it.

  25. Omg, this is so adorable. Love it! Tell her that she is a very smart young lady! X

  26. I am happy to hear you are interested in learning. This information was great and very informative. Happy early birthday :)

  27. I am seeing a future blogger in you. nice one kiddo.

  28. Lovely post well done little one! Definatly going to be a blogger like your mum, youve done a brilliant job!

  29. Very cool information! she is very smart :)

  30. Very informative article. Thank you for the info. Impressive that you manage to find all this information by yourself, big thumbs up!

  31. Great post O!!! Super informative ty for sharing ! Happy early birthday! My daughters birthday is in February also ! What a special birthday month! ❤

  32. Interesting info. I remember being intrigued by the phenomenon of eclipses as children. And we used to await the eclipse eagerly to be able to see it

  33. That's great you were able to find out so much on eclipses. The internet is such a useful resource for education.

  34. Such a beautiful post from a kid and I love how she has expressed everything in her own style like every kid does. It is always good to guide them learn something on their own online and gather information that could take them to new heights!


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