Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Our first Kidslfix event.

This weekend just gone, we had the privilege of being able to attend a Kidsflix event that was conducted by the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Foundation of Western Australia.

The Kidsflix event was a free morning of entertainment for children with disabilities and their families. The event was held at our local cinema prior to normal operating hours. 

I had heard of these events prior to the weekend but had no idea of what to expect other than some entertainment for the little superheroes and that we were going to watch an advance screening of Paddington 2.

What I did not know is that Kidsflix events are held Australia wide. The program is designed to enable children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, as well as children with other disabilities, to have an "out of the ordinary day" with their families. All of the Kidsflix events are supported by local businesses so that the families who attend do not have to pay a cent.

When we arrived at the cinema the band of volunteers were bustling about ensuring that everything was ready for the sea of children that were about to descend upon the cinema.

There were face painters, balloon artists, a colouring in station, a Bricks 4 Kidz Lego station as well as numerous Cosplayers wandering around dressed as characters from Star Wars, Alice in Wonderland and one of O's favourite movies, Guardians of the Galaxy!

Once the event started it was wonderful to see children of all ages and abilities enjoying themselves. They mingled and played together, swapped stories on why they there and just generally had fun.

For some of the children, I have no doubt that the event was a way of distracting them from the tough times that they were enduring.

O had a ball, L went into overload almost immediately and just wanted to stim. The great thing about the event and L stimming was that no one looked twice at him. He was accepted for who he was. There was no judgement what so ever from anyone at the event.

There were many parents who looked like us - tired, very tired, but happy to watch their children being able to have fun without a care in the world. The children were able to forget their worries and just be kids for a few hours.

I am grateful to the organisers for the opportunity to attend the event - it was great morning out for us as a family.

If you ask L, the highlight of the event was seeing his friend R from school and being able to sit next to R in the cinema - not that they did a lot of sitting still!

O, well she was in her element. New children to meet and play with, babies and toddlers to look after and she was able to make a pretty cool aeroplane out of Lego.

And the movie? Well it was fantastic. It is definitely one to go and see when it officially opens in December!

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