Thursday, 23 November 2017

The Girl Who Thought In Pictures: the story of Dr. Temple Grandin

**** Please note that I do not receive commissions of any sort for the book that is mentioned in this post. It is simply a book that I have found useful. ****

Several months ago I ordered a book titled "The Girl Who Thought In Pictures: the story of Dr. Temple Grandin." A good friend tagged me in a post on a social media site that was advertising the book and I was immediately drawn to it.

O knows that she is different from her peers at school but still struggles at times in understanding that different is good. So I thought that this book would be brilliant for O.

The book is written by Julia Finley Mosca and it is the first book in a new educational series about the inspirational lives of amazing scientists around the world. I couldn't think of a more inspirational person to write a children's book about.

The story of Dr. Temple Grandin is fascinating and her story has been retold in books and on the big screen but all of these media types are aimed at older teens and adults. There are many children who would benefit from reading about her life thus far and now there is beautifully illustrated book.

When the book arrived and I opened the front cover, I was met with the lines ....

"If you've ever felt different, if you've ever been low,
if you don't quite fit in, there's a name you should know..."

I immediately knew that O would enjoy reading the book and that she would want to do a book review on it! But due to school and other commitments, we've only just got around to doing the review this afternoon. So over to O!

Q. What is the book about?
It's about a lady named Temple Grandin who is a doctor of science and she thinks in pictures. She also has great ideas on how to make farms a better place for animals so that the animals are happier. It's also about if you try your hardest, you can achieve your dreams. And the book says that Temple has autism! That's really cool.

Q. What is your favourite part of the book?
It's when Temple has such a hard childhood but she goes to college and she gets her degree. She has such great ideas. I like the page with the staircase on it because it basically says that being different from other people is a good thing. And I like the note from Temple in the back of the book.

Q. Why do you like this book?
I like it because it shows what people can do if they have autism. The book also tells people that if you have autism, it isn't bad because you can have great ideas and change the world.

Q. Would you recommend this book to other children? Why?
Yes! Some people bully people that have autism because they think that having autism means that you can't do great things. Temple shows that having autism doesn't stop you from having great ideas. Nothing should stop you from having great ideas - anyone can change the world, we just need people with great ideas. The book also shows that being different is okay, it isn't bad. It would be good for kids to read so that they can understand that if other kids are different from them, then that is okay. If we all thought the same, then life would be very boring and there would be no new ideas.

Q. Out of 5 stars, what would you rate this book?
5 BIG stars! It's a really great book, I really liked it.

I couldn't have put it better. At times O really is an old soul!

The book may be about Dr. Temple Grandin, who just happens to have autism, but the book itself is not about autism, if that makes sense.

To me the book is more about believing in ourselves, regardless of what others may think of us, and that being different is a great thing, rather than a being a book about an autistic individual.

The tale in the book really does remind the reader to believe in themselves, follow their dreams and that no matter what obstacles they come up against, that they can overcome the obstacles to achieve great things!

It really is a great book for children and I cannot wait to read the next instalment in the series.

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