Wednesday, 17 January 2018

My Epiphany!

Several years ago I participated in a challenge titled "52 Weeks of Handmade."

The idea of the challenge was that for every week of the year, you would attempt to make a handmade item - be it through crochet, hand sewing, machine sewing, knitting, cross stitching and so on.

The first year that I participated, I am very happy to say that I did in fact manage to create an item every week of that year. At the completion of the challenge I had completed over 52 items.

Last year, however, it was a completely different story. I bombed out very early on in the year but admittedly we did have quite a challenging year in 2017. By the completion of the challenge I still managed to complete a number of items but not as many as I would have like to have made.

The challenge is on again this year and as I was reading a post about the challenge on a social media site a few days ago, I had an epiphany!

We haven't yet been able to unpack my sewing machines, yes I have two, and I honestly really miss sitting at my machines creating items for O and L. I also desperately want to get back into the habit of sitting down in the evening and doing some hand sewing or crocheting. And I have been trying to figure out why I need to sew so badly on a regular basis.

It's certainly not because I or my children need the stuff that I make, although I do think that I am able to make nicer clothes for my children than I could afford to buy. Actually come to think of it, O does need a few more pairs of her favourite style of shorts - little miss has had some what of a growth spurt over the last four weeks!

I have noticed that if I go for more than a week without sewing, be it hand or by machine, I become quite anxious and I've been trying to understand why.

When I was reading the 2018 52 Week Handmade Challenge I realised what it is - I was hit with my epiphany!

When I sew my mind goes blank. Everything that is bothering me and stressing me, just falls to the side. Being creative is like therapy or meditation for me. I get the opportunity to have a complete mental break and am able to concentrate on what I am working on.

Sewing, being creative, is part of my self care routine! 

So wish me luck as I embark on the 2018 52 Week Handmade Challenge. I'm going to give the challenge my best shot!

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