Friday, 6 August 2021

Attractions that welcome Assistance Dogs!

We love to go on family outings, at the moment is a bit tricky because we are back in lockdown due to good old Covid19 again. But when the world reopens, we will be getting back to our regular family outings.

With Henry, a few of our regular family outings, now have a few extra planning elements.

Being an Assistance Dog, Henry is allowed by law to go anywhere (except for commercial kitchens and sterile areas such as operating theatres.) However a few attractions, do ask that if a guest is going to be attending with an Assistance Dog, that notice is given so that extra preparations can be made by the attraction itself.

We've already had one not so nice outing where Henry was refused entry - and not just Henry, all service dogs are refused entry based on a few ridiculous reasons none of which can actually be used to refuse entry to a service dog of an description. We are fighting this decision through the correct channels as it is discrimination, but that is another post!

What I thought would be good is to list attractions that do welcome Assistance Dogs. Keep in mind that our travel is very restricted at present but eventually, I would hope that we can add interstate, and potentially overseas attractions to this list.

If you have had a positive experience with an attraction that does welcome Assistance Dogs, I would love to know. Perhaps we can even add your outing to this list!


There are 63 attractions in south east Queensland alone that welcome Assistance Dogs. Whether we will visit all 63, I have no idea but we'll give it a shot as the world reopens!!

Australia Zoo - the staff here were wonderful and we had a fantastic day. Here is a little post about our visit.

Sealife at Mooloolba is another excellent attraction that welcome Assistance Dogs.

Sea World on the Gold Coast were brilliant when we visited with Henry.

Movie World were also great.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, it's great that you are able to take your dog with you, just be an immense help with your children.


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