Sunday, 23 October 2016

Time to look after me

After being on holidays for three weeks and being able to relax and do absolutely nothing, getting back into the normal day to day routine was a bit of a struggle. So I decided that each weekend I am going to try and have some me time, even if it was just 5 minutes to recharge my batteries.

The wonderful lady who runs a Facebook group, Autism Living Life on the Spectrum, that I am part of posted a #selfcare Sunday to-do-list, so I am going to borrow her list and expand on it.

So, here is my #selfcare to-do-list!

Have a cuppa - try for a milo but will probably be a coffee.
Enjoy breakfast - while my toast is still hot or at least warm. And if it goes cold, I'm going to make more!
Nurture Me - warm shower, relaxing bath, without the little superheroes in with me!
Relax - sit down in a comfy chair and not do a thing for a change.
Read a book - I'm determined to cut down on how much time that I spend playing on my phone. Going to read a book instead, either a book for me or read a book to my little superheroes.
Go to Bed Early - by early I mean soon after my little superheroes go to sleep. This could be anytime after 8pm mind you!

Enjoy being outside - my little superheroes love having us watch them play, so I'm going to make sure that I spend time doing this. Not outside hanging washing or tidying up, just outside watching them play!
Going for a walk - each day on our holiday we went for a family walk. It was great, we loved it and the little superheroes loved it. We're going to keep doing this, perhaps not each day as some mornings are just crazy!
Do some baking - with the little superheroes. Biscuits, muffins, who knows, just some different snacks for us all.

What have you done to nurture yourself today? It may not be one of these, but something is better than nothing!

We spend so much time making sure that our little ones are okay, so now it is time to nuture yourself, you need to honour yourself for the amazing job that you do .... because you are doing an amazing job!

If you are after a fantastic support group, I would really recommend Autism Living Life on the Spectrum. It is a forum full of very supportive individuals, loads of great information and a place where everyone is accepted for who they are.


  1. We also love going on walks. Sometimes we bake, but I'm not a fan of being in the kitchen. But I do love to eat!

  2. That's a very nice list the support group put together. I'm right there with you in terms of trying to put my phone down more and read more.

  3. I love this list! I am currently really working on reading instead of fiddling on my phone. I even bought a new book light to make it easier. But so far I keep falling asleep. It's a work in progress!

    1. Lol! I do that too. lay down to read and end up falling asleep!

  4. I believe taking a break is essential for everyone's well-being. All the suggestions you gave are very doable and certainly helps as I do some of them myself :)

    1. A break is definitely essential, can't keep running on empty!

  5. So wise! I have to continually remind myself to make room for self-care. I love burning candles so I just have to figure out strategic places my little one can't get to them.

    1. That's the tricky part. I love candles too but there's no way I could have them on when my two are awake!

  6. That sounds like a great self care list! I have one very similar but the whole implementation of it has been a little difficult!

    1. Thank you, yes it's the implementation part that is tricky. Just have to make time :)

  7. Sometimes its the little things like cup of coffee or a nice long warm shower that makes the biggest differences in our days

  8. This is great, good reminder for everyone i think. Thanks for sharing

  9. Great post, self care is so important! If you don't take care of yourself than you won't have the energy to take care of the people you love!

    1. Exactly, have worked that out that running on empty doesn't work.

  10. The small things in a day that can mean big differences to the way you feel overall. Great post!

  11. Enjoy your break with the kids and then without them!

  12. I love this so much! I'm a huge advocate of self care, it is so vital

  13. Great list! I made chocolate chips cookies with my little guy. Turns out very good. Ate with a cup of coffee and just chilling out.

  14. Yes yes! reading a book is the best way to care for my mind helps me loosen up an dissolve into another world. hahaha eish self care is an issue for me. i never take enough time. always on the move until i succeed.

  15. Oh I need to find time to read a book. Also I need to work on going to bed a little earlier. I am sick going to bed at 11pm-12am.

    1. That was a big one for me too, going to bed at a reasonable hour!

  16. What a great list!! Self care is so important!!!

  17. This is so accurate -- self care is super important, you are of relevance too!

  18. this is great. quality time is definitely more important. i don't remember every washed dish but, i remember the first fish my son caught and other firsts that happened while 'chores' were

    1. That's it. Our children aren't going to remember the pristine house, they're going to remember the great memories that were created!

  19. This is a beautiful & inspiring post. I can't stress enough on giving yourself that much-needed ME TIME. It does not have to be huge or it doesn't require you to spend a lot - most of the time, it's really the small things, simple joys that make our days brighter. It's something that I have been working on like a daily reward that I give myself.

  20. I know some people think it selfish to take care of yourself first but certainly now me. You can't truly help anyone if you are are in good shape - mentally, physically or emotionally.

  21. That's really nice, it's important for us take a break and just slow down for a bit to release the stress. Those are great ideas to relax!

  22. We all need time to look after ourselves. We won't be able to take care of our loved ones if we're not in good shape after all.

  23. oh i need to work on a self care list too - it is so important yet the one thing i forget most!

  24. I really enjoy scrapbooking and it's part of my self care routine - if I feel low or lacking in motivation I can look back at my scrapbooks and memories and it makes me feel happy with my achievements and reminds me I have lots of friends, family and experiences to feel grateful for. I hope you enjoy ticking off your self care list and it helps!

  25. Self care is very important. Sometimes I really just need to simply sit down and relax and not do anything. And I want to get back into reading too - agree that I spend too much time on my phone!

  26. This is such a great post! I love that you're sharing how you're taking care of yourself. It's so good for us to see that we deserve a little time to take care of ourselves, too. I think my big thing today was getting up early and spending time reading my Bible while sipping coffee before the baby woke up!

  27. I love this post!
    I am a new mom and I can already tell how important it is to find some time for ourselves! :)
    I love my baby to death but I like having some me time, enjoy myself every now and then, that makes me recharge my energy and be able to keep up with him and be in a better mood ;)


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