Monday, 26 December 2016

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale........

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Selamat Hari Natal, Nollaig Shona Dhuit, Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale.....

It's that time of the year again. Christmas is almost at an end, tummies are full with delicious food, presents are all unwrapped, the little superheroes are all tuckered out..... who am I kidding, they're wide awake and full of energy and showing no signs of wanting to go to sleep!

Both little superheroes were up at the very early hour of 5am, so how they're both still awake, I have no idea. Although they both seem to be fading so that's a good sign! Let's hope that they continue to fade, this mumma bear would like a little sleep.

We've had a wonderful day, there were only two meltdowns today - one from each little superhero - and they both ended relatively quickly. They both get overwhelmed by the day, presents to open, phone calls to make, choices to make about new toys, it gets too much.

We now have more superhero toys, no surprise there really, so the toy room really does look like a superhero convention!

O wrote a song for Christmas which she is yet to sing to us but no doubt we'll hear in the coming days. I took a sneaky peek at what O had penned and I must say that she has done a marvelous job! She really does show maturity and creativity beyond her years at times.

We managed to pry Daddy superheroe's present from L. But promptly after opening it Daddy superhero was asked if he could please hand it back.

The little superheroes love choosing presents for each other and us, and generally speaking, either Daddy superhero or I end up with a present that the little superheroes want. This year was no exception and it was Daddy superheroes turn! For a very short while today, I'm talking about a period of less than 5 minutes, Daddy superhero had an awesome Iron Man mask! It's now the property of L!

The sacrifices we make for our little superheroes!!!

The top temperature today was 34oC but it felt alot warmer, so the day was spent indoors in the air conditioning, playing in the sprinkler outside and having a water balloon fight!

Yesterday we learnt of a family of 4, including a toddler and a baby, who are currently living in a tent. Their story really brought it home to all of us just how lucky we are. I hope that they enjoyed the bag of Christmas cheer that we hastily put together yesterday afternoon. It wasn't much, but hopefully it will bring a little joy to their family.

Every year leading up to Christmas we get the little superheroes to go through their toys so that we can give some to those who are less fortunate than us.

We want our little superheroes to understand that we are very fortunate to live where we live and have a roof over our head. We want them to be thankful for what they have and understand that Christmas isn't just about receiving presents. We want them to think of others and be willing to help others when they can. This year the little superheroes took two bags of toys and clothes to an opportunity shop.

For us today was all about spending time with loved ones and being grateful for what we have.

So from all of us at the new superhero convention centre to you and your family, Merry Christmas, we hope that you had a wonderful day where ever you are in this amazing world.


  1. Sounds as though you had a great day with your beautiful family. Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. Water balloons are the best fun! Happy Christmas to you too!


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