Wednesday, 21 December 2016

The things that make my Little Superheroes happy.

Happiness is hard to find, especially in this day and age. I take immense joy in the fact that it is the small things in life that make my little superheroes laugh, giggle and smile. These things might be small and unimportant to some, but to my little superheroes they mean the world.

I asked my little superheroes what makes them happy and this is what they said!

O said Pillows. "I can roll around on them, I can build mountains to climb, I can build forts to hide in and I make nests out of them in bed when I go to sleep!"

Both O and L said our dog. She does the best helicopters and has the funniest wiggle butt every time we step outside to be with her. Even if it has only been a short time since we were last outside, we still get helicopters and a wiggle butt. She loves her kids and seems to know when they're having a rough day.

Both O and L said Teen Titans Go and The Miraculous Ladybug. These are the two shows that no matter what sort of day they've had, that both my little superheroes will always sit down to watch. These shows mean half an hour of very little movement.

L said Strawberries. "I like them!" L is a boy of very few words. He does love his strawberries, he'll eat punnets of them at a time! I think we need to invest in a strawberry farm, two plants in the vegie patch just aren't cutting it!

Both O and L said hugs! Both my little superheroes love cuddles, long squishy cuddles, quick cuddles. They're both cuddly children, most of the time.

L said puddles, "I like jumping in them!" L loves puddles, the muddier the better! He just doesn't like getting wet and dirty!

They also said jumping on the trampoline, spinning, Mummy, Daddy and looking at the stars at night time!

And these are the things that make me happy.......

Taking my shoes off after a long day at work.

When my little superheroes tell their repertoire of jokes! They may not have that many jokes in their repertoire but they tell them with so much enthusiasm and gusto, it is so hard not to burst out laughing.

When my husband reaches over a sleeping child to rub my back in the middle of the night.

A good book! Whether it is reading a story to my little superheroes or reading a book for me, there is nothing better than a good book. All children should have books to play with, look through and eventually read. My Dad used to say that as a teenager I could get 200km out of a book - we used to do a lot of driving!

A good cup of hot coffee! This doesn't happen very often, usually my coffee will end up cold which I will still drink. But you can't beat a good cup of hot coffee!

When people know the difference between they're, their and there! No explanation needed here! It isn't hard people!

Seeing someone I love smiling and hearing them giggle! I love creeping up on my little superheroes and Daddy superhero when they're in full giggle swing. Their giggles truly are contagious. I can't even get through the first few pages of the book "The Wonky Donkey" without O giggling her bottom off.

Seeing all the wildflowers in bloom in the nature reserve near us. Both my little superheroes love being outside. We try to get into the nature reserve near us whenever possible. The little superheroes love trying to spot the wildlife that resides there, they try to guess what the different tracks are. I love the wildflowers, there are so many varieties in the reserve - little bush orchids, colourful kangaroo paws, large bankisa flowers, and native paper daisies to name a few. They are just gorgeous, a living rainbow.

The smell of rain and hearing frogs croak. I grew up on national parks in the Northern Territory and was always surrounded by open woodland areas as well as rainforest patches. I've always loved the smell of rain, rain meant the sound of the tree frogs chorus. It is one of the things that I miss about living where we live now. We're slowly getting some resident frogs in our front garden, but not near enough to have a frog chorus!

What makes you happy? What puts a smile on your dial?


  1. Your children sound adorable, such big hearts for little ones. I love this list!

  2. They are so cute! It's heartwarming how the simplest things make kids so happy <3
    The sight and sound of nature makes me happy too :)

  3. Happiness to me is watching others that I love laugh!

  4. Aww they sound so adorable, this is so heartwarming :)

  5. It's so sweet how it's not material possessions that make everyone happy. You're raising good kiddos, Mama:)

    1. Thank you. I too am happy that they don't just think that material possessions are the be all and end all!

  6. :) i love the innocence of a child. Everything is so amazing to them and just full of wonder.

    1. You do have to admire the innocence of a child, just a pity that we all have to grow up :)

  7. YES--small things make all the difference. A lifetime of enjoying the small things really makes a difference in gratitude. I also enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea and the sound of our giggling girls. And even though I don't have babies anymore, the sounds of babies eating bananas really makes me happy, lol!

  8. Bubbles, sitting by a warm fire on a cold day with my beloved, and getting 10,000 steps on my fit bit. small things but big to me.

  9. This is sweet! My kids also make me happy. That and chocolate. And Diet Coke.

  10. Your children sound awesome! I can't wait to be mother one day!

    1. Thank you, being a mum really is the best job in the world, well I think so anyway!

  11. These are all so lovely! I think it's nice to think about the things that make us happy at the end of the day. It means less stress and more positivity!

    1. Thank you and yes I do agree, makes things a lot less stressful!

  12. It's so funny. I love lots of those things too. Especially pillows! Cant get enough of them.

    1. You'd get on well with my daughter, she has so many pillows. She says to us "I just can't chose my favourite pillow, I just need them all!"

  13. I agree with O on the pillows.
    Also, there is such thing as hot coffee? Since when?
    And the Their, there, they're is a given. :P

  14. Such cute words! They sound adorable and lovely. They explained it so correctly that how these little things like pillow and strawberries could give so much happiness to them.

  15. Your kids are so adorable! My son makes me happy! :)

  16. Your kids are so cute. I love how kids actually the time out to notice things that are precious (:

    Isaly Holland

  17. Actually, we got to learn something from the kids here. They know how to find happiness, in the most mundane things of life. They know how to live in the present..they are so much wiser than us

    1. It astounds me just how wise children can be at times, definitely old souls :)

  18. What a sweet post! There are many things that make me happy but one in particular is the love and attention I get from my dogs. They make life easier:)

  19. Love the concept of simple makes you happy!

  20. The simple things make me happy as well, just a smile usually works 😊

    1. Smiles can make everyone, well most people anyway, feel better.

  21. Your children sound so adorable and sweet. What amazing hearts they have!

  22. A great cup of coffee. Yes. A really really great cup of coffee doesn't happen very often but when it does it's a pleasure.


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