Thursday, 27 April 2017

A Handful of Quiet by Thich Nhat Hanh

About a month ago as I was searching on one of my favourite online bookstores late one night, I stumbled across an interesting looking book titled A Handful of Quiet.

I should mention that I am known to purchase books because I like the look of the cover and I will admit that this is one such purchase.

On a side note, I am happy to say that thankfully I've yet to make a wrong purchase based on the look of the cover!

As the introduction in the book states, the pebble practice was invented by Thich Nhat Hanh a number of years ago as a tangible way for children and their families to concentrate on their breathing, connect with the world around them and learn the art of meditation.

I purchased the book with the sole purpose in mind of assisting O to ground her emotions when she begins to enter an anxious state.

After I gave the book to O and she had had an opportunity to read through it I asked her what she thought the book was about.

O answered with:

"This book tells us about four little rocks. The four little rocks represent a flower, a mountain, water and space. And these four things represent how we should feel about ourselves and other people every day. The book is going to teach me how to stay calm and happy and to think properly about problems that are troubling me."

I could not have said it better myself!

The book is written with children in mind. It is very well set out and very well written. Thich Nhat Hanh explains each step of the meditation process in very easy to understand language.

I think the book appealed to O as she loves collecting rocks.

We did have to go out and purchase four special pebbles, the ones from the front garden just weren't good enough apparently. O has been carrying her four little pebbles around with her since reading the book and occasionally I've been able to watch her sitting silently with the four pebbles in her hand contemplating the universe!

**** I do not receive any commissions of any kind for this review, it is simply a book that we have found useful. ****


  1. I have never heard of anything like this. I really love this and the idea behind it. Very interesting

    1. It's a wonderful little book, would recommend it to anyone wanting to introduce the idea of meditation and mindfulness to children.

  2. These look really cool. What a neat idea

  3. I'm a sucker for packaging too - but like you, I've rarely been disappointed! I guess that makes me an advertiser's dream!! This looks like an excellent find - I'm sure it'll make a good gift too!

    1. I was thinking that it would also make a great little gift!

  4. sounds interesting. just like you i do reviews sometimes without in return

  5. I have never heard of this book but I love the idea behind it. I am known to buy books strictly off the cover and to be honest, I haven't made a bad decision yet! :)

    1. I'm glad that I am not the only one who buys books based on the look of them :)

  6. This sounds like a really nice idea. It's so important for children to find ways to manage their emotions because otherwise they struggle as adults. It sounds like the stones provide a nice focus.

    1. O finds it incredibly useful to focus on the stones. My aim is to give her the skills now so that she will cope better in the future.

  7. What a fantastic sounding book. Sounds like O gained alot out of reading it! x

  8. What a great little resource. It sounds like this book has been a positive I your family. I have someone in mind that would love this!


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