Sunday, 23 April 2017

My Mummy IEP

Over the past week I have decided that I need a Mummy IEP.

What is an IEP I hear you ask? An IEP or an Individualised Education Plan is a document that is developed by teachers and other education professionals for children with special needs.

An IEP is developed with the child's education goals as well as any social, physical and behavioural difficulties or goals in mind and it is generally completed in consultation with the child's teachers, aides and parents. The IEP is reviewed periodically.

Regardless of the age or developmental level of the child, there are several things that the IEP should contain.......

........ An IEP should outline a meaningful education program, it should be age appropriate, flexible and future orientated.

........ An IEP should consider the development of the child's life skills and it should include short term goals that will lead up to the achievement of long term goals. The goals must be measurable and achievable and include a time frame as to when they should be achieved by.

........ An IEP should also include any shared resonsibilities so that all parties involved know what is expected of them in assisting the child to achieve their goals.

So back to my Mummy IEP.

Objective 1: To complete the household laundry in a timely manner.

Goal 1:

To remember to take the wet washing out of the washing machine once the cycle has finished and not have to rewash the load 2 or 3 times. This needs to be done a minimum of 3 out of 5 times with 75% accuracy.

Date Started: Too many years ago to mention.

Date Mastered: Minimum progress has been shown thus far. 

Behaviour Intervention Plan is recommended with a reward system in place to earn rewards such as a hot coffee, chocolate or a glass of wine.

Goal 2:

To remember to hang the washing out on the washing line instead of having to rewash it as the clothes smell stale because they have been sitting in the basket in the laundry for two days. This needs to be done a minimum of 3 out of 5 times with 75% accuracy.

Date Started: Too many years ago to mention.

Date Mastered: Minimum progress has been shown thus far.

Behaviour Intervention Plan is recommended with a reward system in place to earn rewards such as hot coffee, chocolate or a glass of wine.

Goal 3: 

To bring in the washing from the washing line once it is dry before it starts to fade and because the washing line is not a wardrode. This needs to be done a minimum of 3 out of 5 times with 75% accuracy.

Date Started: Too many years ago to mention.

Date Mastered: Minimum progress has been shown thus far. 

Behaviour Intervention Plan is recommended with a reward system in place to earn rewards such as hot coffee, chocolate or a glass of wine.

Shared Responsibility: All other members of Superhero headquarters need to remind Mummy that the washing is still on the line.

Goal 4:

To fold said washing before it turns into Mount Clothesmore and the little superheroes start mountaineering to retrieve their clothes. This needs to be done a minimum of 3 out of 5 times with 75% accuracy.

Date Started: Too many years ago to mention.

Date Mastered: Minimum progress has been shown thus far.

Behaviour Intervention Plan is recommended with a reward system in place to earn rewards such as hot coffee or a glass of wine.

Shared Responsibilities: All parties in superhero headquarters need to chip in and help out with the folding of Mount Clothesmore. Recommended to establish a visual board with prompts and then scale back the prompts as progress is shown because to be perfectly honest, this may be a bit too ambitious.

A team meeting is needed so that the superhero team can re-evaluate this goal.

Objective 2: To sleep in own bed.

Goal 1:

To sleep in my own bed for the entire night instead of on the couch or in the recliner or in a little superheroes bed. This needs to be done a minimum of 5 out of 7 nights with 75% accuracy.

Date Started: 26/02/2009

Date Mastered: Minimum progress has been shown thus far.

Behaviour Intervention Plan is recommended with a reward system in place to earn rewards such as hot coffee or a glass of wine.

Shared Responsibilities: The little superheroes need to sleep in their OWN beds so that Mummy can achieve the sleep level that she requires to be a functioning member of society instead of being a Mummy Zombie. Recommended to establish a visual board with prompts and then scale back the prompts as progress is shown because to be perfectly honest, this may be a bit too ambitious.

A team meeting is needed so that the superhero team can re-evaluate this goal.

Wine, chocolate and hot coffee are an autism Mums greatest incentive!


  1. Step by step and the progress is visible. Love the rewards part. Every little progress should be celebrated even only with a tiny cup of coffee ... Cheers to every little progress leading to the ultimate victory!

  2. I can feel you!! The one job I hatw the most is ironing! I wish I had the urge to iron every clothing before folding them away like ehat one of my griends do! I serioualy lack motivation when it comes to laundry!

  3. Okay. I love this post. You had me intrigued from the beginning to the end.

  4. This was so much fun to read. Firstly interesting at the beginning to learn what an IEP is...and then the fun way you have applied this to the home. Really enjoyable and I admire your strength, energy and persistence.

  5. Haha what a great idea - I think we have a lot in common. Definitely guilty of forgetting to unload the wet washing and having to re-wash it again! Love the idea of goal setting and giving yourself a pat on the back if you achieve it - now to set some for cleaning my house!

  6. This looks so great for how to provide a good education and custody for children. They will become more independent, disciplined and good persons. Wish my parents would have known it sooner. I will mark this for my child. Thanks for your sharing!

  7. This is great! Gave me a little giggle reading it as we have sat through IEPs! LOL


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